SCADA Garden Party

Continuing the Revolution: Beyond the Primaries
Where do we go from here?

July 30th , 2016, 2:00-5:00 p.m. (Doors open 2 p.m.; program will start at 2:15)
Santa Monica, California

Educating young (and young at heart) voters and activists on how to best make their political voices and actions heard, both at and beyond the ballot box, will be the focus of the Americans for Democratic Action of Southern California’s Annual Garden Party this year. You are invited to the party which will be filled with stimulating speakers, live music, and refreshments.

Jan Goodman, longtime board member of ADA, has said “The Garden Party will be hot on the heels of the Democratic Convention. Bernie has planted many progressive seeds, we plan to nurture those seeds, and not let them “die on the vine”, as has happened too often in the past!”

Political Comedian Rick Overton will appear, as well as Historian Harvey Wasserman, who declared “The only votes that will really count in the 2016 elections may be those manipulated by partisan computer hackers and the corporate rich that hire them” in his latest book The Strip and Flip Selection of 2016: Five Jim Crows and Electronic Election Theft which was published earlier this year. Jackie Goldberg, who is one of the first four gay legislators in California—now featured in the new film POLITICAL ANIMALS, will talk about grass roots political organizing and SPAXTON, the popular indie rock band led by front man and songwriter Cameron Robinson will be playing a rare acoustic set, blending cool guitars and smooth vocals.

The Billionaires are also expected to show up to protest encouraging people be involved to band together to change society. Additional guest speakers are also expected.

July 30th , 2016, 2:00-5:00 p.m. (Doors open 2 p.m.; program will start at 2:15)
Santa Monica, California
Private Residence. Address will be forwarded to those who RSVP.

Sponsor: $200-$1000
Requested Donation: $40 or 2 for $70
ADA Member Price: $35
New ADA Member Price: $55 for admission and membership
Student Price, Including Membership: $15 –
$5 Discount if you RSVP and like ADA-Southern California on Facebook!

For more information, send an email to [email protected].
Calls should be directed to (310) 205-2533 or (310) 458-7213.
Donations will support the year round work of ADA. ADA was an early endorser of Bernie Sanders and thousands of voters depend upon the rankings and endorsements of ADA in Southern California and around the country.

ADA is a multi-issue progressive organization, fighting for peace, social justice and economic equality, and against the war and the war economy and fracking, among other issues.

Americans for Democratic Action, is not affiliated with the Democratic Party. It was founded more than 60 years ago by a distinguished group of progressive visionaries, including John Kenneth Galbraith, Walter Reuther, and Eleanor Roosevelt. Founded in the wake of the New Deal, ADA is at the cutting edge of every important struggle for human rights, world peace, and social and economic justice.
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  • Erika Williams
  • Susan James
  • Mike Rose
  • Sarah Shelby
  • Samantha Stevens
  • Irene Lanier
  • Candy Noriega
  • Robert Hanks
  • Susan Mastrodemos
  • Alan Michelson

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