We don't just want you to join and support ADA SoCal. We want you to get involved with the work we're doing.
You don't have to be a board member of ADA SoCal to serve on a committee. Any member of Americans for Democratic Action can serve. Through our committees, we're doing some of our most important work.
Issue Committees:
- Chair: Khin Khin Gyi
- Fracking, dismantling Nuclear power plants, water and drought, global warming
- Chair: Ankur Patel
- Public Education Funding, Curriculum, Field Trips, Partnerships
- Chair: John Seeley
- Supporting the Nuclear Disarmament, Opposing drone strikes and Preventing the US from getting further mired in war
- Chair: Nancy Niparko and Betty Toto-Doumas
- Single-Payer Healthcare, Prescription drug prices
- This includes Police Brutality, standing up for Undocumented Immigrants, standing with Muslim Americans against bigotry
- Commission on Race
Pick the issue that you care most about and join us to educate and work on moving it forward!
Organizational Committees:
- Chair: Thom O'Shaughnessy
- Works on elections, candidates and ballot measures.
Social Media
- Chair: Amy J Smith
- To help get the word out
- Membership
- Events