The Trans-Pacific Partnership
On June 23rd, Trade Promotion Authority (otherwise known as Fast-Track) passed the US Senate with the help of 14 pro-corporate Democrats. This means that for the next 6 years, any trade pact, no matter how egregious - no matter how destructive to the environment, will require only an up-or-down vote without any amendments.
Progressives have lost a major battle in this war, but we're not done fighting. The Trans-Pacific Partnership will be voted on at the end of the summer. We will have to commit to exposing how its provisions will lead to outsourcing of millions of American jobs and how its provisions will allow corporations to sue any sovereign nation that tries to regulate them.
We will keep you posted so you can join us in this crucial fight!
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El-Super Boycott
ADA SoCal has joined in a boycott of the El Super markets because of their union-busting activities. We urge you to join us in this boycott and to send letters to the CEO of the company that owns the markets to let him know that ADA members will not support a business that doesn't support the needs of its workers.
To learn more about the boycott and how you can participate, go to
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You don't have to be a board member of ADA SoCal to serve on a committee. Any member of Americans for Democratic Action whose dues are paid up can serve on a committee. Through our committees, we're doing some of our most important work.
Here are our Issue Committees:
• The Environment (Fracking, dismantling Nuclear power plants, water and drought, global warming)
• Education (focused on funding and revisiting Prop. 13 to make it a split roll system in terms of commercial real estate).
• Peace (this includes support for US nuclear negotiations with Iran)
• Justice (this includes Police Brutality and also Marijuana legalization)
• Healthcare (The ACA, Single-Payer Healthcare, Prescription drugs)
Pick the issue that you care most about and join us to educate and lobby on its behalf!
And please make sure your dues are up to date [Donate]